Originally Posted by Jim Porter
Ah, I didn't think about that. I always pointed to the side for my strike mechanic. I always hated the hammer because it does look too much like an out call. I was ahead of my time. 
Several of my partners this past high school season hammered and one of my evaluators suggested that I use the hammer even though he doesn't. For some reason he thinks my voice, presence, etc. needs the hammer. I tried it one game but I am old school and went back to pointing for strikes one and two and then hammering/pulling the bow for called strike three. I simply say strike three without any extra emphasis and then hold up the hammer and say batter's out except on a swinging strike three that is dropped then I say strike three without any visual signal at all until there is a tag or a throw then I say in command voice "batter's out" and hold out hammer for a tag. I say nothing more than the "strike three" for a dropped third strike on throw to first unless base umpire does not signal-it sometimes does happen- then I say batter's out and hammer for the throw beating the runner.