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Old Tue Jul 17, 2007, 12:03pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by Don Mueller
Fun with Numbers
98% of the people have never been to a MLB stadium and 99.9% of the people watching TV never see the umpire until there's a s#@%storm.
So contrary to your assertion I say no one but other anal umps will ever judge me based on what they see on TV.
The next time a MLB ump has to make a call from 120' with the 7:00 sun bearing down from RCF on a dirt colored base will be the first time.
My comment does not include people like my mother that would never go to a baseball game unless I dragged her there.

Originally Posted by Don Mueller
Experience has never been a good substitution for common sense
True statement. Sad part is I agree but for different reasons.

Originally Posted by Don Mueller
I never said all fields or most fields, in fact the other day when I Brushed 2nd was the first time I'd ever done it, but the conditions were such that it in my opinion dictated it.
I also never made a comment about the level of ball the fields this might apply or might not apply. But you jumped to a conclusion about the level as if that would change how I or others feel about this situation.

Originally Posted by Don Mueller
I was LJ at a varsity football game last year where I actually leaned down picked up the orange end zone pylon and put it back in place. I've never ever seen an NFL ref do such a thing. Maybe that's why I haven't got that D1 assignment yet.
Well, I have seen NFL officials move the pylon back. As a matter of fact that was the case the last NFL game I attended. Once again you are missing the point. It is not about cleaning off the bag, it is about using a plate brush. Officials might put the pylon back because they just were involved in a play where the pylon moved.

Originally Posted by Don Mueller
When I'm not warring on the weekends I manage a few salesman. Some do what it takes to get the job done and others don't move a muscle if it ain't on the job description.
When it comes time to pass out the perks or I need to assign an account, who do you think gets first priority?
I did not ask you about your real job.

Originally Posted by Don Mueller
Suddenly experienced coaches know the do and don'ts of an umpire, even know proper mechanics?
Either the coaches are rats and have no idea as to rules, mechanics and nuances of an umpire or they do. Don't suddenly give them credit for their incredible insighfulness when it suits your side of an argument.
That's being a hypocrite.
I am not saying they know everything. They do expect us to behave in a professional manner and there are things that tell on our experience or our competence level. Umpiring/Officiating is about survival. When you do things that make you look new or inexperienced, a coach will take advantage of it. It is not always fair or right. It just is that way.

Originally Posted by Don Mueller
I've never worked a 2 or 3 man game game where I or my P have brushed a bag so I don't know if there is a correlation between brushing a bag and trouble with game management. Perhaps you're privy to some studies I haven't seen.
On the surface I see no correlation between brushing a bag and lack of game management skills.
Are there bag brushers who struggle with game management? I'm sure there are. Are there non bag brushers who have trouble with game management? Absolutely.
When I'm BU I will never brush a bag for 2 reasons.
1. I won't have a brush
2. I'm not using my hands

But not because I think there is some cosmic bad karma that's going to hit me if I do.
Even if you are right, the reality is that someone that you might have to deal with will think you are not as well trained. Then when you do not do the other things perfect, they will draw their own conclusions. I think you are putting way too much on whether someone brushes off a bag or not. I do not think anyone said your entire career was based on this one fact. But when you do things like this, it usually does not stop there. Can you show me anywhere in any book where this is apart of our job description? If you cannot show me, then that just goes to show you are advocating something that is not expected of us. If you do not know the basics, what rule do you not know? What mechanic do you not understand? What game management skill have you not been told about?

Originally Posted by Don Mueller
Good umpires are not in the habit of making assumptions.
I do not do in season college ball and I do not do LL but in between I do all levels.
Travel ball actually pays more than varsity. The good 14 and 15 yr old travel teams are as good if not better than many varsity programs.

If every opinion was the same the forum would be quite boring

I did not make any assumptions. You said you did this at a 15 year old travel league. I think you might agree that working a travel league does not have the same expectations or requirements as a HS or college level game. Even a freshman game requires an umpire to have a license and to follow certain protocols or they will not work that level or they will stay at the freshman level the rest of their career. I can work a travel league game and the only requirement is for me to have a uniform and maybe some protection. I really do not understand why you are so sensitive about this. You are the one that brought up the level you did this at.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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