Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
Didn't see it, but kudos to the ump for not wimping out on the call.
Although, I'm sure they'll probably get mentioned in this post.
I saw the replay and although there was a pause it didn't appear to me that the runner waited too long before returning back to first. I'd like to see the replay again but at the time the ball got back into Cat's hand in the circle it appeared that a count of "a thousand one" may not have been finished before the runner's foot started back to first. I would love to see the replay again (I knew I should have recorded that game), but from what I have seen of it it appeared to be a judgment call that could have gone either way. Anyway as close as it appeared and being it was in a championship game I think the look-back out call might not have been the proper thing to do.
Did you hear the dumb remark from one of the announcers? She said the runner should have been given a warning and then if she didn't return to the base she should be called out....

Nothin' like fun at the ole' ball park!