Originally Posted by UmpLarryJohnson
hehe, another RAT confesses his crime and then CLAIMS to be a umpire. you may play AT umpiring but YOU are NO umpire...mr RAT.
While understanding substitution rules is a basic part of umpiring, I'll give tmielke the credit that he at least ASKED whether what he did was wrong. He admits he's a "relatively inexperienced umpire," and we've all been there. He made a basic substitution mistake. On the other hand, I know a lot of umpires who fail at basics, yet refuse to ask questions. They, in turn, do the rest of us no favor.
tmielke, check out ASA rule 4, section 6. That will cover just about everything you need with regards to substitutions. If you have any questions, I'm sure we'll be happy to clarify.