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Old Tue Mar 14, 2000, 10:41am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by TGR on 03-13-2000 04:05 PM
Still have the question and would like an answer = I know that girls basketball in my area does not use the 10 second backcourt count. I'm almost certain this applies to NCAA women too. Why does girls basketball in your area use it?

Not all areas have a shot clock (in fact, most areas do not have a shot clock for HS). The standard Fed rules are for no shot clock and a 10-second count. A better question (rhetorical) would be "Why does your area not use the Fed rules?) (Rheotrical -- I understand the pros and cons of both sides and am not trying to open up that discussion here again.)

Most places that use the shot clock adopt the NCAA rules -- for women, that means no 10-second violation, but there is closely guarded (holding, only) in the back court. Under Fed, there is a 10-second violation, but no closely-guarded call in the back-court.

Hope that's clear.
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