Originally Posted by cmmguy
Yes to both I think...
Basically, swapping the starter and the sub. Keeping the Sub on defense and then when their turn to bat comes up, re-enter the starter to bat.
I can find no rules limiting re-entry. We are not subject to the minimum play rules. LL has complicated substitution rules especially when minimum play is required. They only address this by saying that the starter and their sub cannot be in the batting order at the same time - which limits the sub to only sub for one particular player during a game. But no limit that I can find on alternating entry/re-entry. If allowed(and I think I can) then it would have the effect of allowing a pinch hitter for a particular player in the lineup.
I will check the eteams site, but will still check here for answers. I have been a spectator here for a long time and have enjoyed the what-if scenarios.
OK, first - there are manditory playing rules for everything but the Big League Division. Three consecutive outs and one at bat is required. If the game is shortened for any reason then manditory play is not required.
In order for the starter to re-enter the sub has to have met the manditory playing requirements. Everyone has one re-entry - including the substitute.