OK J you've goaded me into it:
Originally Posted by JRutledge
Don I work three sports, two of them I work college ball and I have yet to answer to any coach about anything.
Kings to you for your officiating prowess and and your upward mobility. (No sarcasm intended)
Fortunately for you there were no business marketing and economic questions on the test.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
Most supervisors I work for have expectations and when you meet those expectations; they tend to support you to coaches. I also have never been hired in a conference because a coach liked me. I have been around the block and I have had some very serious conflicts with some coaches over the years only to have the supervisor completely support me. Why? Because I followed procedures and expectations of the supervisor I am currently working for.
Follow the money J. I'm sure your assignors are great guys but are they paying out of their personal accounts?
There are 3 entities in the equation. League/team > Assignor > Umpire
Where does the money come from? Who hires whom?
The customer is the one paying for the services. How many middle men that payment goes through before it gets to the service provider doesn't matter.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
Coaches have agendas and they will get mad about anything that does not go their way. When you follow common procedures or rules, the supervisor can easily support you. So you can say the coach is the customer, but not if you know what the hell you are doing they are not.
A general contractor(assignor) is hired to build a building(provide umpiring services), the GC(assignor) sub contracts the fire alarm work(umpiring responsibilities) to an independent fire alarm specialist(FAS)(Umpire). The fire alarm specialist(umpire) installs the system(calls the game) in accordance to specifications(ruleset) provided by the building owner(customer)(league/team). But then the owner(customer)(league/team) decides he wants to eliminate part of the system to save money(wants judgements in his favor). FAS(umpire) says I can't do that,(my integrity is at stake) it's not safe or per code.(Owner)(customer) gets very mad and insists that it's done his way(gets tossed). GC(assignor) steps in and supports the FAS (umpire)because he knows the system has to be put in per code.(knows the customer was a butt and deserved it)
The fact that the owner(customer)(league/team) gets mad or the fact that the GC(assignor) supports or doesn't support the FAS(umpire) does not change who is the owner (customer)(league/team).
Whether the FAS(umpire) is competent or not does not change who is the customer.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
I do not feel sorry for anyone that works for money. Money pays bills, buys things like houses and cars and puts people through college and might even help fun a business. So a lot of people will put up with a lot of things because there is money as apart of deal. I know I would not work many places unless the pay is right.
Reread my post.
I did not suggest anyone work anywhere if the money wasn't right. In fact I never suggested anyone do anything.
And the implication that I feel sorry for anyone that works for money is plain wrong. You have better comprehension skills than that, please use them.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
I really do not know why you are so stuck on the opinion people have about coaches.
I simply stated that I would not work a job where everyone or most everyone were liars, cheaters, whiners and child abusers. I also asked the question why would anyone? There's obviously an answer, I just asked the question.
Everyone else seems to be able to share their opinion on coaches, I stated mine albeit as an inference. Why does that mean I'm "stuck on the opinion people have about coaches?"