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Old Thu Jul 12, 2007, 01:17am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by Don Mueller
If there were no teams, no coaches, no players how many assignors would be calling you?
I don't want to argue over who the customer is in the umpire world, that wasn't my point, but I think you are naive if you think the assignor is your ultimate customer.
Don I work three sports, two of them I work college ball and I have yet to answer to any coach about anything. Most supervisors I work for have expectations and when you meet those expectations; they tend to support you to coaches. I also have never been hired in a conference because a coach liked me. I have been around the block and I have had some very serious conflicts with some coaches over the years only to have the supervisor completely support me. Why? Because I followed procedures and expectations of the supervisor I am currently working for. Coaches have agendas and they will get mad about anything that does not go their way. When you follow common procedures or rules, the supervisor can easily support you. So you can say the coach is the customer, but not if you know what the hell you are doing they are not.

Originally Posted by Don Mueller
I feel sad for anyone whose only motivation is money, no matter what the business.
But you see my point even if you don't recognize it.
If all or most of the people within the enviorment in which you practiced your trade were liars, cheaters, whiners and child abusers why would any one want to voluntarily stay in that enviorment? Unless of course you were a social worker.
I do not feel sorry for anyone that works for money. Money pays bills, buys things like houses and cars and puts people through college and might even help fun a business. So a lot of people will put up with a lot of things because there is money as apart of deal. I know I would not work many places unless the pay is right.

Originally Posted by Don Mueller
I don't think you were the one saying all coaches were liars, cheaters, whiners and child abusers. So unless the shoe fits perhaps my point isn't directed or meant for you and therefore does not resonate with you.
Do not police officers deal with those kinds of people every day, but they still love their jobs right? I really do not know why you are so stuck on the opinion people have about coaches. Just because many think coaches are scoundrels, does not take away from the enjoyment of our job. I do not trust many coaches but that just means I know who and what I am dealing with when things do not go their way. I do not trust most coaches and know that when things do not go their way they will try to whine, complain and even tell me how to do my job. Then I have responses for all those things. And if I cannot get them to understand they are stepping out of line, they will not be around. Then I do not have to worry about what they think for the rest of the day.

I even know as an official that I will have to work with other officials that I do not like. If I was so worried about what everyone thought I would just stay at home all day and every day.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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