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Old Wed Jul 11, 2007, 07:53pm
Old School Old School is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 1,097
Originally Posted by Mark Dexter
I'm glad you're not a real ref, 'cause I'd hate to work a game with you.

I've ejected for less, and would gladly do it again.
Hell, I'd hate to work a game with you if you're tossing players for minor stuff. What the heck you gonna do when a real problem comes along? Show some balls and try a little game management before you pull the trigger. I mean think about something more then yourself on the court.

Did you ever consider, grandpa or Aunt Mary drives a 100miles to see Billy play for the first time, and he/she gets ejected in the first quarter because him and another player was going after a loose ball, all out, which is the way the coaches want you play, and trigger happy it's all about me referee ejects Billy and opponent because he didn't like the way they looked at each other when they got up off the ground, after diving for the ball. No blood, no punches thrown, just good ole fashion hustle. I guess if you never played the game at that level you wouldn't understand.

Hell no, I wouldn't want to work with you either........
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