If you're going to lump all coaches into one group wouldn't it be proper to lump all umpires also?
No kidding. I've been taunted and treated like dirt over the past year, both here and at umpire.org. Never once did I generalize a few forum jerks to the entire umpiring population. On the other hand, we've got some of these same jerks stereotyping all coaches as rats who cheat to win ballgames. What gives?
If you ask me, anyone who hates all coaches but continues to make a career out of umpiring their ballgames probably doesn't have much going on in their life outside of umpiring. I've got one of two options for people like TimC who don't like or respect the very same people that they are on the ball diamond to serve:
1) Get your fat *** out of umpiring.
2) Learn to respect the coaches who are paying you, and deal properly with the troublesome ones.