Let me get this right.....participation is a bad thing and they should not be allowed to play in metal cleats because they are not good enough or they are not coached well enough. Does that sound about right? It is funny to see what you guys think of high school coaches. The ones who are usually teachers (educated) and the ones who donate much of their time to these young people. Your sarcastic remark of "knowledgable" coach is humorous. I find that I usually know more about the rules than most of the umpires I come into contact with. So I guess you are one of those "know it all" umpires
If you have ever truly played the game then you would know that metal is beeter than anything else for safety and traction. If 14 year old boys can wear them then so should the girls. Pretty simple decision.
Umpires have no bearing on this rule. You are to call the game as the Federation, ASA, whoever tells you to call it. Softball is moving forward. Glad to see sopme people are....