Wed Jul 11, 2007, 02:35am
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,785
Originally Posted by CoachJM
I think these are pretty good points. I might say "..can get you into bad habits..." rather than "...gets you into...", but the point is valid nonetheless.
However, I'm the new guy. I go out of my way to work 2-man games, but the fact is, at this point, the majority of the games that are available to me are solo.
I think it's better for my development as an umpire to work more games, even if solo, than to "hold out" for just 2-man games.
While I would agree that two competent umpires are preferable to one, I would argue that one competent umpire is better than two who are less than competent. (Possibly better than one who is and one who isn't.)
The world is not always the way we wish it were. Such is life.
I umpire because I enjoy it. While I like working a 2-man game better than solo, I still have fun when I work solo. You ought to try it some time.
I'd rather eat lead paint than work solo.