Thread: My 1st Ejection
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Old Tue Jul 10, 2007, 03:01am
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Originally Posted by Forest Ump
Mr. Aerosmith, he said it was hit to Right Center Field. That's why F8 and F9 are converging on the ball. It's called working the V. Who do you think should go out on trouble balls? Pretty basic stuff. Go back to the attic and play with your toys.
For God's sake, is it necessary for people to nitpick the mechanics here? (Not the person I quoted, but since ST is on ignore, this is the best I can do).

If F8 and F9 collided and I needed to cross the basepath to see if the ball was laying on the ground behind a fielder, I'm doing it, especially if the players were injured and I know that we're calling TIME as soon as we ascertain what's going on and play stops. The catch/no catch is paramount. My partner can pick up on what I did and can cover third, if necessary. I can pick up plays at second from behind, if I need to.

C is a starting point. The right place to go is the place that's necessary for the situation. For example, if the ball is stuck under something in the outfield and a fielder raises his hand, I'm going to go out to check on it.
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