Thread: My 1st Ejection
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Old Mon Jul 09, 2007, 09:16pm
UmpJM UmpJM is offline
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Thanks to all for your helpful advice - especially the concise "rewrites" of my first attempt at an ejection report. Most helpful.

I honestly don't/didn't remember exactly what the coach said. I just distinctly remember the comments going from focusing on the call to commenting on my umpiring. Next time I'll make it a point to remember exactly what was said. (The coach never used anything approaching profanity - not even a "Damn" or "Bull$hit").

There hadn't been a peep from him or anyone on his team the whole game prior to that, nor was there anything after he left.

When the game ended, the only way back to the parking lot was down the Visitor's side of the field. I braced myself to "walk the gauntlet" back to my car. I didn't hear a single comment until I was almost off the field when one of the visitor's Dad's said, "I thought you called a good game". I said "Thanks" and kept walking.

Kind of weird.

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