Thread: My 1st Ejection
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Old Mon Jul 09, 2007, 11:42am
Don Mueller Don Mueller is offline
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Posts: 277
Here's what my report would have said:

[I](Addressed to the League President),

My name is Don Mueller and I umpired the xxx game earlier today between (Home Team) and (Visiting Team).

During the bottom of the 5th inning, I ejected the (Visitor) head coach.

After a catch/no catch judgement call in the 5th inning XXX head coach asked for an explanation on my call. After my explanation (coach) replied "You're incompetent" I said "that's enough coach" he replied "you're still incompetent" I ejected him.

After he left the immediate premises, the game resumed and was completed without further incident.

If you have any questions for me regarding this incident, you may feel free to contact me at this e-mail or on my cell phone at xxx-xxx-xxxx.


Don Mueller

Personally I feel no compulsion to justify my judgement call in the ejection report. Nor do I refer to any rules or interps in an ejection report, I only need to do that if there is a protest which is a totally separate matter.

Ejections are for unsportsmanlike behavior and I try to limit my report to as little detail as possible aside from that behavior.
The decisions made from my report need to be based on the behavior of the coach irregardless of game conditions.
If more detail is needed or wanted they know how to contact me.

I'm not suggesting your report is good /bad or indifferent, only commenting on how I do it and why.

Many new umpires feel the ejection report, in part if not in total, is a report to justify the ejection. WRONG
The ejection report is to advise league personnel of the unsportsmanlike behavior of the coach or player and help enable the league to take further action if needed, also to have a written record in the file in case of future issues.
When an umpire feels no need to justify the ejection the reports usually become very brief and to the point.

Last edited by Don Mueller; Mon Jul 09, 2007 at 12:05pm.
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