Originally Posted by tcblue13
If this was your game, what would you have done?
In the link noted:
(1) I hope I would have called the BR out for being out of the lane and interferring with F3 receiving the catch. (In slow-mo, for several strides, the BR's right foot seemed to be on the foul line and the left foot in fair territory.)
(2) I would have "forced" the arguing team to only have their coach discuss the play with me. At one point the PU seemed to be discussing it with seven players at once.
The link supplied had references to videos for Part-2 and Part-3 of the same incident. A few items I found interesting were:
(A) Players apparently walking away from umpires as they are getting in their trucks, shouting back for them (umpires) to just shut-up and drive home. (Why were the umpires still yelling at players walking away? I like players walking away.)
(B) Players commenting that the umpires never ejected anyone, they just walked off the field.
And my favorite ....
(c) Coach noting, after the umpires had left, "I protest that call. He never called 'Dead ball'. He
never called 'Dead ball'. He called 'Time out'."