Originally Posted by wadeintothem
I admit I had forgotten a little, but now I know why i work softball..
There is no comparison.
Since februari I can watch MLB on the NSAN-network in the Neth.'s. It will constantly remind me never ever get involved in baseball!
Last week I was assigned in a two man crew for a 3rth level play in Holland. My partner and I wondered where the BB-ump's were; on the BB-field two team were almost ready to play. At the moment we entered our field, a player from the hometeam BB came over to ask one of us taking the BB-game.
Hell NO! We are not allowed to start on our own (1-man crew) in this level and I don't like BB. A clown from the stands came down to umpire the BB-game. In game 2, the BB-game was over. Now the players came over to the SB-field and made our game a hell by their remarks. I'm happy in softball. Will never quit umpiring, unless I'm unable to work the games anymore...
This afternoon a doubleheader, DSC'74 vs Terrrasvogels. Both teams deliver players to our national team and have some US-girls over. Ranking nr 5 vs nr 1 in competition. It will be great games, I hope...