Originally Posted by PeteBooth
Do not know about your association Rich, but in mine our ASSIGNOR is the person whom we listen to not some local TD.
Pete Booth
"Some local TD?" Could you show any less respect for the guy running the tournament?
I'll never understand why some umpires want to make it so difficult and ensure there are hard feelings in these situations.
Let's say I'm the TD of the LL tournament. I come up to the umpires and say, "Little League protocol requires that the umpires be available X minutes after the game because of the potential of MPR protests." You're still going to drop the balls and run?
And yes, I find dropping the balls horribly disrespectful. I normally put them back in the box (they came from) in the dugout or hand them to a coach/player on the way out. I can remember dropping them once in the past 5 years and it's because the home team wanted to argue a time limit and wouldn't take the baseballs.