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Old Tue Apr 02, 2002, 10:30am
SamNVa SamNVa is offline
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FED rules define a fly ball as a batted ball that rises an appreciable height above the ground, and a line drive as a batted ball which travels parallel or near to the ground through most of its flight.

So here is the situation: Runners on 1st and 2nd, 1 out. Batter hits an arcing line drive/fly ball toward F6. The ball rises to about 8 feet at the top of the arc. F6 is lined up on the ball for an easy catch, but at the last second, she takes a couple of quick steps backward and plays the ball on the short hop, and easily completes the 6-5-4 double play as the runners were holding. Offensive coach comes out and asks why the IFR was not called and my partner, the PU, says the hit was a line drive, not a fly ball.

Now I know that this is a HTBT play, but my question is: how high does a ball have to go to be considered a fly ball?


[Edited by SamNVa on Apr 2nd, 2002 at 09:39 AM]
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