The following situation doesnt apply at all to an INT call, but it does illustrate how things "happen" on the field which may not necessarily be INT even if it was a runner and a batted deflected ball:
I'm hooked in for a play at 2B, about 6 feet in on 2B. HARD Throw from outfield deflects off of tip of F6's glove and hits me square in on the right cheek of my face. Luckily all my teeth stayed in my head because I got popped good. I wasnt quick enough to defend myself on that play and took the shot in my face.
The point is, a deflected ball coming at a runner may result in a defensive action which may or may not be interference. You still must judge intent on a deflection here. Was there intentional interference or was she just acting in a defensive manner?
In either case, maybe it's INT, maybe not. Because of the way it is worded, I would say I lean heavily towards INT on this play.. it sounds bone headed of the runner to catch a ball that "pops" to her "instinctively" and then drops to the ground.
A deflected batted ball is not the same as a batted ball which hasnt passed infielders.
Would you guys be calling the play differently if it was worded:
1. Runner at first no outs. Hard liner at first baseman runner has taken lead, ball deflects off of glove and smashes the runner in the face.
2. Runner at first no outs. Hard liner at first baseman runner has taken lead, ball deflects off of glove; the runner raises her hand preventing the ball from hitting her, the ball hits her hand and drops to the ground.