Originally Posted by canuckref
I strongly disagree with the "no talking" philosophy espoused by some here. I have always found you can manage games better with a few carefully said words versus a stony silence. We need to understand that many coaches do not have a good grasp on the rules. Telling a player the correct rule only makes the game better for him/her and the next game official they have. I like hearing well timed, concise descriptions for players and coaches to explain common violations and fouls from an official...it tells me they give a sh*t, versus the cloistered monk school of silence officiating...this does not help the game.
I haven't seen one person here espouse a "no talking" officiating philosophy. Not in this thread nor in anywhere else in this forum.
Thus, the second paragraph of your posts is a classic strawman. They burn easily, but generally put out more heat than light.