The contact in this case that "sort of turns A1 around so he is going to start to dribble back the other way" sounds like the kind of contact that may be worthy of a whistle all by itself irregardless of the consequences.
***You could be right. What I had was though was a kid who took a little bump , it sort of turned him and he just went with it by just going with the flow.
There is also a principle "don't pass on illegal contact that creates a violation, foul, or turnover. Go back and get the illegal contact." (And then keep the response, "You're right, coach. It is a late whistle, but it was still a foul.") The fact that the contact made the steal possible just reinforces that it was illegal. Not blowing the whistle rewarded an illegal defensive play.
***That's what I thought after as well. I think if I had seen B2 coming in for the steal I could have seen what was going to happen and gone ahead and blown my whistle before the steal even occurred. I actually do recall blowing whistles like that before. But I agree with you I should have got it.