In addition to what Mike mentioned, I also think that many of these players are empowered because we are having difficulty getting experienced umpires throughout a season or to travel for tournaments leaving us with less experienced umpires who don't understand where the line needs to be drawn and therefor allow these guys to get away with too much from the start. SB players are like adolescents, put your foot down and be consistent when applying the limits and they will fall in line. If you give an inch they take the mile and expect it from there forward.
An example for me from last season: I was asked to work some league post season 'modified' games. I was warned that these guys had been given too much freedom during the season and not to put up with any BS. First game, routine ground ball to F6 on 3B side. He makes a nice stop, has a little trouble getting the ball out of the glove and makes a stupid decision to go to 2B instead of 1B for the easier out. Runner beats the throw in marginally close play but didn't even warrant big sell safe. Pitcher throws his glove in the air in disgust and tells my I suck. That was the end of his night. Coach argues I have to warn him first. It takes a few minutes but we get him to the parking lot and we didn't have any problems the rest of the post season with either team.
The only reason we had to deal with this idiot was because the less experience umpires didn't recognize where the line was and/or had the b@!!s to toss him earlier in the season.
As to the point about it being worse this year than others; I haven't experience that here but I have seen a general trend over the past several years for reasons stated here and by others. I also find it odd that it is usually the teams with less ability and talent who cry the loudest. The better teams understand that umpires will make mistakes and so long as there aren't too many and the umpire shows some hustle, they will keep it to a minimum.
Wade Ireland
Softball Umpire