Originally Posted by Illini_Ref
I find it interesting that LL uses "slide or attempt to get around", instead of "slide or avoid contact". In theory could a LLer make contact with a fielder with the ball as long as he was "attempting" to get around said fielder?
The rule is obviously there for safety reasons. I think it should say "a fielder in possession of the ball or awaiting an impending play". As long as it isn't malicious, a LLer can make contact as long as the ball is not in the glove of the fielder.
Because the runner's entitled to attempt to run the bases and get to the base. The rule applies everywhere, not just at home or at a base. And if the tag attempt is away from a base (in a rundown for example) you don't want to always require a slide then do you? You need an alternative.
Yes, he could make contact while going around. But, if the runner starts to go around and the fielder moves into his path and "causes" the contact you don't want the onus on the runner - do you?
Do you want to require runners to give up?