Originally Posted by Jim Porter
Okay, well I've been out of baseball for a few years. I guess things have changed.
Back a few years ago the proper mechanic for the plate umpire with R1 on any batted ball was to move up the third base line -- not out to the mound.
Never heard that interference at 2nd is the PU's call. I don't care for that. No reason the BU can't make that call.
That's strange Jim, as I've been umpiring since 1986, and at least since then it has always been the plate umpire's call on INT at 2nd base when there is a throw following the play. If F6 had not made the throw to first base, then the call remains with the base umpire. The reason the PU takes the call on a throw is that many times, the INT happens after the throw, when the BU has already turned with the play.