Re: Keeping Quiet?
Originally posted by Mike M
With R1, pitcher straddling the mound, he fakes a throw to 1B. PU calls balk even after the pitcher tells him he was not on the rubber. PU says it does not matter, it has HS rule that you can not fake a throw to 1B, even when you are off the rubber. Since PU has ejected the manager and assistant coach, no one objects and I keep quiet. What would you have done?
Ok a few cmments:
1. Normally, the BU would call Balk right away if F1 while on the rubber feinted a throw to first. RE: The BU has a better view of whether or not F1 was in contact or not.
2. You said varsity level, so if I was the PU and F1 said "hey Blue I was not on the rubber", a simple check with my partner should do the trick. Since a Balk in FED is an immediate Dead Ball, we do not have to worry about continuous action and therefore to change the call is a no-brainer.
3. Yes I would keep quiet until afterwards (in private after the game away from the action). If the PU misapplied a rule (which he did), it's up to the coach to request TIME and inquire about the ruling.
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth