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Old Thu Jun 21, 2007, 09:47am
ctblu40 ctblu40 is offline
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Originally Posted by wish7694
That makes sense that it was not a balk. It is VERY ingrained in players that throwing to an unoccupied base is a balk, thus my initial confusion. It looks like at least U1, if not others also had the same initial reaction before recognizing the mistake. Clearly a mistake was made made in pointing and declaring a balk, but wasn't it another mistake to call time out and kill the ball before R1 reached second base even if they thought it was a balk at the time. It seems amazing that a pitcher could throw to first, hit a runner, have the ball bounce to the 1B dugout and the end result is placing R1 at first.
First of all, an unoccupied base is a base without a runner, not a base without a fielder.

Second, the mistakes were pointed out by mbyron.
(1) There was no balk infraction.
(2) The umpires declared "Time" before a fielder held the ball in the infield.

Third, although they made a mistake, R1 was left at first because that's the base he legally occupied at the time the umpire declared "Time." Likiewise, he was not entitled to advance to second due to action that occured during the live ball play.

Eddie Rap made a mistake, certainly not his first, probably not his last. Life goes on.
"They can holler at the uniform all they want, but when they start hollering at the man wearing the uniform they're going to be in trouble."- Joe Brinkman
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