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Old Thu Mar 28, 2002, 03:47am
jpdennem jpdennem is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 1
i had a situation tonight in which i assessed a technical foul following regulation. The game involved a yellow and a white team. The yellow team had just won the game by two points when immediately #8 white charged at me and my partner screaming how bad we f*&^&^* suck. He sadi this about three times and then ripped off his shirt. I blew my whistle which stopped everybody (celebration, tournament final 7th and 8th boys club)and everyone calmed and tried to figure the situation out. I signaled the "T" signature and then proceded to the scorers bench. My "partner" walked by me and said, "games over". I had already made my decision to deal with this situation. Still nobody is controlling this kid. I walked over to yellow and told them that i assesed a technical and for a shooter. I walkedover to the foul line to administor the foul shots. I looked up and the clock had already been turned off and the other official was changing his shoes at the scorers bench. I proceded to do what i beleived proper and gave him the foul shots. when i walked back over to the scorers bench i was berrated by the scorer for assessing the technical. I wondered if anyond else has had this situation. I beleive if officials let kids do this at that age they will continue to think they can do this in high school. Any thoughts?
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