Originally Posted by msavakinas
i use a modified scissors that I've found to work best. It's the scissors but my back leg (right leg for righties, left for lefties) is at a 45 degree angle backwards and to the (right for righties, left for lefties).
Whatever works for you, I guess; and maybe I'm visualizing wrong, but this [back leg @ 45 degrees] sounds like a BAD idea, exposing a LOT more upper leg [thigh] and the side of your calf/ankle/foot to errant balls, defeating your protective gear for that leg. Newbies should NOT try this at home. I'm guessing you never had anything like an upper-level clinician watch you and work on your stance.
If the reason you are going this way is stability issues, try to get someone to work with you on your stance. I had all kinds of problems until I got someone to work with me to do the scissors correctly. Hard to write instructions, but stand relaxed with your feet about shoulder width apart, then step STRAIGHT BACK with the "back" leg: no more stability problems.
In the interest of full disclosure: I gave up the scissors when my aging knees and learning the GDS both required and permitted a "better" way.