Thanks for the responses. I'm not sure why last night I was so inclined as to say I didn't consider the nose stud dangerous. Since the vast majority of my games deal with organizations specifically not allowing jewelry, I usually just let that same stand flow into the few ASA youth games I do. But since the coach was honest and upfront in his asking, I thought that merited my decision. I know it beats the heck out of Mondays coaches who, when asked if there was jewelry under a variety of bandaids and tape, said "I don't really know".
Today I see the same two teams again in a continuation of the same game (rain yesterday). I'm still allowing it today. But after the game I believe I'll tell both coaches that to be consistent I'm joining my fellow umpires in the banning of all jewelry. Which brings up the issue of what to do if the tape slips and reveals an earring? Would the proper ASA penalty be to remove the now exposed jewelry or not be allowed to play in the game?
Either way, the whole jewelry thing is a quagmire.