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Old Wed Jun 20, 2007, 11:46am
SRW SRW is offline
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Originally Posted by Dakota
I agree, but this should not be up to the umpire to deal with. The responsible adults here are the parents (first), and coaches (second). Passing the buck to the umpire is cowardly and shirking of parental responsibility. The ONLY thing in this area that the umpire should be concerned with (IMO) is a player wearing something that is judged to be dangerous to ANOTHER player.

Risking wrath, in an ASA JO tourney on the field I'm working, nose studs are her business. Earrings are ok as long as they're not hoops. Livestrong bracelets are fine. As long as it's not harmful to the others on the field, I could care less. I assume that these young women have had their rights signed away with their own liability waiver that says something like "you're playing a sport and you might die."

Besides, getting hit with a pitch into the elbow happens more often (and hurts a heckufalot more) than that freak third world play where the helmet pops off and the swipe tag catches her earring and it pulls it off but not before her finger rolled under the Livestrong bracelet and broke it off and then her medical alert necklace choked her and the nose stud popped out and all the other crap that you guys make up to justify being a jewelry cop.
We see with our eyes. Fans and parents see with their hearts.
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