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Old Wed Jun 20, 2007, 06:31am
ozzy6900 ozzy6900 is offline
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I hope that you have since learned the correct way to enforce the rule about visits since last year!

A manager may remain with his replacement pitcher providing:
  1. He does not retreat from the dirt of the mound (OBR & NCAA) or cross the foul line (FED). LL may still be the foul line, I am not sure.
  2. He does not delay the game.
A manager may go with his pitcher to the mound between innings (to watch the warm up throws) providing he does not delay the game.

You quoted a portion of OBR 8.06(d) Case Book Comment - "If the coach goes to the mound and removes a pitcher and then the manager goes to the mound to talk with the new pitcher, that will constitute one trip to that new pitcher that inning". Read the portion again an note that the first part says that the manager removes the pitcher. The second part (separated by the word AND refers to the manager returning to the mound after replacing the pitcher. In other words, if the manager went to the mound and took the ball from F1 and called for the "lefty", handed the new F1 the ball and walked off the dirt (OBR) then turned around and approached the mound again, that would constitute a 2nd visit.

This has been discussed on this board and over at countless number of times. Now don't get all upset here but again, you are only reading what you want to read. Here's the whole casebook reference for OBR 8.06(d):
Rule 8.06 Comment: If the manager or coach goes to the catcher or infielder and that player then goes to the mound or the pitcher comes to him at his position before there is an intervening play (a pitch or other play) that will be the same as the manager or coach going to the mound.
Any attempt to evade or circumvent this rule by the manager or coach going to the catcher or an infielder and then that player going to the mound to confer with the pitcher shall constitute a trip to the mound.
If the coach goes to the mound and removes a pitcher and then the manager goes to the mound to talk with the new pitcher, that will constitute one trip to that new pitcher that inning.
In a case where a manager has made his first trip to the mound and then returns the second time to the mound in the same inning with the same pitcher in the game and the same batter at bat, after being warned by the umpire that he cannot return to the mound, the manager shall be removed from the game and the pitcher required to pitch to the batter until he is retired or gets on base. After the batter is retired, or becomes a base runner, then this pitcher must be removed from the game. The manager should be notified that his pitcher will be removed from the game after he pitches to one hitter, so he can have a substitute pitcher warmed up.
The substitute pitcher will be allowed eight preparatory pitches or more if in the umpire’s judgment circumstances justify.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of the rule and how to enforce it.


P.S. If you have a rebuttal on this, put it here and not in a PM please. I want all to see what you have to say!
When in doubt, bang 'em out!
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