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Old Mon Jun 18, 2007, 06:10pm
BigUmp56 BigUmp56 is offline
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Originally Posted by DTQ_Blue
What do you do when you totally lose confidence in your BU partner when you're PU.

I worked a softball (FP) tournament yesterday with some out of town umpires that came in for the weekend to help us out. I was paired with a guy who parked in A until after a BR rounded first, and then began began to chase her to 2nd from behind outside of the diamond. Never saw him inside the diamond once in 2 games.

I believe that he missed a BR being hit by her own bunted ball out of the box. When I needed his help he had nothing.

I had a play later where a batter hit a ball down near her feet, hesitated, got no "foul" call and then started hobbling out box. I thought that there was a good chance he missed that one also and called "foul" so I wouldn't have to waste my time talking to him about another one where he had nothing. This was a 12 y/o girl, I don't think she was gaming me; I believe I made the right call, although I hate to make it in that way.

I don't like to work this way, but if you lose confidence in your partner, do you just make some calls where you're only 98% sure of what actually happened?

I think the first thing I would do if I were you is stop working softieball! Other than that there's not a whole heck of a lot you can do when you're forced to work with a sub-par partner other than get through the game as best you can. The other thing I should point out is that while the situations you described where the batter was hit while in the box with a batted ball is a shared responsibility, ultimately they're your calls to make as the PU.

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