Thread: Fireworks!
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Old Sun Jun 17, 2007, 10:28pm
jicecone jicecone is offline
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First of all, asking a coach a question and then ejecting him for his answer is known as "Baiting." Thats not too professional.

You let him know who is in charge and when he is crosses the line, and then close gate and send him home. He made you look stupid by not answering your questions and then indirectly rediculed you by sarcasticly asking his assistant the same question. Don't give him those alternatives.

"Time, Coach there will be no arguing of Balls and Strikes, is that understood?" You do not wait for an answer.

Remember you are in charge.

Don't have rabbit ears about what is said in the Dugout, you got set up and fell right into HIS plan. He left under his conditions and not yours.

Be professional at all times, keep your nose out of the dugout and remember who is in charge.
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