14U travel team in a H.S. Instructional league; big mismatch because 14U is tournament tested, and H.S. coaches are working with M.S., Frosh, and sophs that are coming up the next few years.
14U batters are struggling with, what is to them, slower than normal pitching. A slap hitter was way out front when she pulled the bat back, alerting me to watch for her feet. Sure enough, on the next pitch she slapped a change-up and her lead foot was 18" in front of the box. Sure enough, I called her out.
Coach becomes unglued. "You can't call that; she only took two steps!" "Yeah, but that second one was a doozy, coach" as I pointed to the incriminating footprint. "No way Blue. She is professionally trained to take two steps!"
Point to my chest, I replied, "And I am professionally trained to call outs!"