Thread: Bunt question
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Old Tue Mar 26, 2002, 11:37pm
danvers danvers is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 9
Having spent countless hours at the keyboard engaging in dialogues and diatribes dealing with my vocation, I've always sworn that I would keep my avocation on the screen and not the keyboard, that I would simply lurk, enjoy, and hopefully learn. But alas and alack... I got snowed in, I got bored, I drank a beer, I put my fat fingers on the danged keyboard, I used careless words, and here we are.

Rich, I agree that it's an alternate batting stance, but I don't agree with it being "*just* an alternate batting stance." For me, it's different because both the means and the end are distinct from what we find with the "normal" stance and the pitch that is swung at for a hit. If a bunt is, by definition, a batted ball that's "not swung at, but intentionally met with the bat," and you stick your bat out over the plate and make no attempt to pull it back and show me that you're not commited, I'm going to ring you up for hoping that the ball would meet the bat.

Senior, I'm stubborn and opinionated, but I'm always glad to accept help, even from a con ;-) What rule are you referring to? I'm not sure which one refers to an "attempt."
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