Originally Posted by lrpalmer3
No, but I've recently had a fight in a game and had only myself to blame (no video tape necessary). Some people think that every fight can be prevented, I'm just wondering if assignors feel that way.
I'm very very very new to the officiating game, so I'm just trying to learn.
Bottom line is that some assignors DO feel that way, but not all...and I would say that the ones who DO feel that way are looking for an easy way out of a controversial position. In other words, they work for the conference and the conference needs to keep the schools happy and the schools need to keep the coaches happy, so it's just easier to blame a fight on the officials and say something like "If only you had...". Personal opinion - that's crap. As a parent and as a teacher, I KNOW that my sons and my students are going to do stupid things - I can try to head some of them off, but some of them are going to happen no matter what I attempt...sometimes fights in a game are like that. Other times we can look back at the tape and say "How did I miss that"...either way though, the decision to fight comes down to those involved - if they want to go, they're gonna go...blaming the refs is pretty lame in most cases.