Backswing (follow through) Interference
American Legion (OBR)
R2- stealing on pitch, 1 out, no count on B1.
B1 swings and misses at the pitch, his follow through hits F2's throwing hand as he is throwing to retire R2 at 3rd.
I call "That's Interference" while pointing at B1. The throw is wide left, and unsuccessful at putting R2 out. I call "Time!, You (pointing at B1), stay there! You (pointing at R2) back to second!"
Offensive manager is upset because I put R2 back... then defensive manager is upset (he was getting pretty close to being run, he stopped after I warned him) because I did not declare B1 out.
Did I screw the pooch?
"They can holler at the uniform all they want, but when they start hollering at the man wearing the uniform they're going to be in trouble."- Joe Brinkman