Originally Posted by jrreferee
I seem to be having some difficulty dealing with coaches who are constantly 'lipping' at the sidelines. I am a young female referee in my second year and have received positive comments from my superior referees and tournament directors on my abilities. I am still learning and have been offered some very nice opportunities to build on my skills. BUT, there are a couple of coaches in our house league who are not trained as referees, think they 'know it all' and make detrimental comments throughout the game. I try to block them out and grow a thicker skin but I'm wondering if anyone can give me some 'verbage' I can use to get them to stop. I have tried working with our club's head referee and he's been great but I don't want to keep going back and looking like a whiner. Any suggestions?
These forums can come up with some clever verbiage, but first what are some of the penalties available to the coach ? Ejection, colored cards, anything else?