Thread: Block/Charge?
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Old Tue Jun 12, 2007, 09:13am
Ref in PA Ref in PA is offline
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Originally Posted by Ref in PA
As I looked at this in real time, my first reaction was "block." After reading the thread, I can understand the PC foul call. I do have a question.

A1 lands with his left foot between the feet of B1 (A1's left foot near B1's right foot). A1 turns, weight shifting forward over his left foot and starts the dribble at the same time making contact with B1, not moving the left foot. Because the foot is between the defender's feet, would this be considered not allowing the offensive player to land, even though contact was not made on the actual landing?
Since DKMZ's old question was answered, maybe mine will be also if I rephrase. B1 gets position as in the video, A1 lands with his left foot clearly between the feet of B1 (in the actual video it is not that cut and dry) - no contact on landing, A1 turns, weight shifting forward but not outside the verticle plane of A1, A1 begins dribble and at the same time makes contact with B1. Do we still have the charge?
I only wanna know ...
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