Cutoff Question
This is a question for all you players and coaches.
I was playing a game a couple days ago in my local adult league. I was in right field. With a runner on first base, a ball was hit through the hole to me. As I charged in to get it, I heard someone yell "go to three", and I knew the runner would be trying to go first to third. I fielded it, and threw it as hard as I could towards third base. It was an okay throw, and the shortstop ended up catching it between second and third base. The runner advanced to third, the batter stayed at first. I thought I did a good job of making a fairly strong, accurate throw.
But then I hear the third baseman say "you've gotta hit the cutoff on that one, we had a play on the guy going to third". Apparently it was my fault that I did not hit the cutoff guy. Funny thing is, the cutoff man was the second baseman, positioned just beyond the infield about 80 feet away from me, and had I pegged one in his direction that he decided to let go through, it would have ended up out of play, between home plate and third base.
Not only was the cutoff man not lined up between me and third base, he was too close to me, and he can't even throw. I take it as an insult that everyone would think that I should make a little-league distance throw to him, so that he can gun it across the infield.
When I got back to the dugout after the inning was over, I asked about what I did wrong. Apparently I am supposed to field the ball, look for the cutoff, and throw it to him, even if he is in a crappy position. I thought that I should just field it and throw it towards the base I am going to, without even worrying about whether the cutoff is there or not, and it is the cutoff's responsibility to be there in the first place. It's not like I have a feeble arm or anything, so I am offended that they would think I would even need a cutoff on a first to third type of play.
Something tells me there is a bit of favouritism on my team, as we have shortstops, first, second and third basemen who either cannot throw, field, or a combination of the two. Yet here I am, solid glove and okay arm, wasting away in right field.
Do you guys think I did the right thing in just throwing to the base and not worrying about whether the cutoff man was there or not, or should I have made a 80 foot throw to the cutoff man who was out of position and couldn't throw to save his life?