If the "Catcher is in line with Home and third" and only about "3 feet behind the plate" and "The runner" is running at "full speed", then this sure sounds like OBS, above all else. The F2 should not be in the runner's path, even if it's just beyond the base. The runner has the right to run at full speed if the fielder is not about to tag the runner with the ball. If the errant throw drew the F2 up the third base line and into the runner's path before she got to home plate, then it would be OBS. So because the errant throw drew the F2 into the runner's direct path, right on the other side of home plate, it should still be OBS. At most it would have to be crash and no penalty on the runner, since the errant throw drew the F2 into the runner's path. You'd call it a crash or OBS if the F2 got drawn up the 3B line and right into the full-steam runner, wouldn't you?
The F2 should know, or should be taught, to get out of the runner's way. The runner just can't 'disappear' after touching home. What is the runner supposed to do, slide into F2 after scoring?