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Old Fri Jun 08, 2007, 04:35pm
VanStanza VanStanza is offline
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Posts: 30
Let's be Realistic Here...

I too am a person who umpires both baseball and fastpitch softball at a ratio of about 50-50. I have umpired both for about 12 years now, and have officiated both at a high level.
When I first began doing both, it was mostly out of necessity due to the low number of good officials in our area. Long story short, it has been 12 years of ups and downs with respect to my feelings for both games, and the umpires that work them.
I can, with honestly and respect for both games, agree that each game is very different with respect to the skillset required to do them.
A comment has been made that you need to be in better shape to do one game or the other. It has been my experience that you need to be in great shape to do a great job in either game. On one hand, in a softball game, the plays are quicker and shorter, requiring good instincts and reflexes. It is true that there are more bangers at 1st, and snap throws by catchers. In baseball, the plays take more time to develop, but the distances you must cover are greater. Your hustle to get to the best position is difficult, requiring good athleticism.
The mechanics (another topic many have touched on) are different for both. Many baseball umpires criticize the "robotic" mechanics. I think they are appropriate for the game in that they are crisp and uniform from official to official. I do not agree with some NCAA mechanics, and do feel they are over the top (check swing mechanic), but many look good. In baseball, many softball umpires criticize baseball umpires for their "lazy" mechanics. I believe that the mechanics, regardless of the game, need to be executed properly, and a certain level of personality can be injected into mechanics.

The bottom line....both games are great. Both games are challenging to officiate for different reasons. In both games, there are poor umpires (who think they're good) and there are great umpires.

On a final note, if you have never done a high level fastpitch softball game, or have never done a high level baseball game, you do not have the grounds to criticize the other game's officials. Have pride is one thing, being assinine is another.