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Old Fri Jun 08, 2007, 07:42am
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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Originally Posted by CajunNewBlue
Defensive coach comes out of the dugout right after a sliding play at third?...maybe its just me, but I'm calling time and walking down the line to see what this idiot...sorry "coach" is doing causing verbal "interference..imho" one foot from the foul line and probably only 3 feet from a offensive player during a "still" live ball. at least a warning is issued. then she can have her "defensive" conference.
dunno, i might be wrong according to the "letter" of the rule... but having defensive coaches running around in foul territory anytime they want without "asking" for time to be called... just doesnt seem right. and im new, but i have had coach after coach ask if they could sit on a bucket here... or lean on the fence there...and i always say no. dugout please.
Of course it's not right ... but surely you don't want to call TIME and harm the offense! If she interferes, call it and penalize it. And yes, warn and/or eject as necessary. But don't stop play.
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