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Old Wed Jun 06, 2007, 05:55pm
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Maybe it's because you don't have half the issues a BU in softball does. For example, what is the BU's pre-swing responsibilities?

Speaking ASA, and a few others,

In softball, it includes, but is not limited to watching ALL runners remain in contact with the base until the pitch is released, making sure the pitcher's shoulders are square to the plate, both feet are in contact with the pitcher's plate, respond to any count/out inquiries of nearby fielders or base coach, insure the pitcher does not step back off the pitcher's plate during her motion, the pitcher does not leap during the delivery, the pitcher does not replant prior to the release, make sure there is no obstruction when each of the runner's leave the base at the pitcher's release AND THEN you was for a possible check swing among other possible occurances which could happen at the plate.
Baseball-only guy here, although I worked high school and ASA softball 10 or so years ago.

I always enjoy these baseball versus softball threads. Just shows how different the sports and their umpires are.

I have to deal with pickoffs and balks along with some of the other things you mention.

Further, I do not and will not answer requests for the count. The plate umpire keeps the count. If I were to give an incorrect count as the base umpire, it could result in bad things happening. Someone asks, I simply say, "Mike, what's the count." If the plate umpire loses the count, I'm there for him, but that's the only time I get involved in the count. I really don't care what the count is, to be honest, unless it's 3-2, 2 outs and I can ignore the runners moving.

The day I carry an indicator on the bases or a brush on the bases or a bat ring ever will be the day I know hell has truly frozen over.
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