Originally Posted by Skahtboi
NCAA, NFHS, ASA all require the BU to have an indicator with them in the field. If you don't, and you are working for any of these organizations, then you are failing to do what you are being paid for.
And personally, I think the BU carrying an indicator
should be mandatory (which is another reason why I bring a spare for my partner, should he/she need one). There have been times when umpires, being human, have brain farts and slip up on the count. A player gets injured fielding a foul ball and time is needed to attend to them. A coach calls time during an at bat. We're human, and when these things suddenly happen, we sometimes forget to nudge that wheel another notch. It happens. It shouldn't, but it does. I, personally, want to be able to give the count back to the PU (or F4) without any hesitation if I am asked.
Having an indicator in my hand also keeps me focused on the game, but that's just me, that's just one of my things.