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Old Wed Jun 06, 2007, 11:19am
TussAgee11 TussAgee11 is offline
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Small Confrentation... How to handle it?

Last night, 14 travel ball (some of the best in our area for this level). Batter hits a long fly that curves foul. As he comes back to retrieve his bat, he says, not directly to the pitcher, but loud enough for F2 and me to hear, "throw me that again see what happens". At this point I saw that catcher was upset and was probably going to say something back. I told him, mask still on, sit in the box. My plan was just a mental note and perhaps a mention to the kid's manager.

Catcher persists and says something like "Shut up blah blah blah". I take my mask off and now tell him more directly to sit in the box lets play some ball. He then said to the kid something about the next pitch going in his ear. I immediately jumped in between F2 and the batter (who were maybe 10 feet apart) and gave the catcher the stop sign. I said "We are not doing that today. " and some more words that any beaning was not going to happen. He at first talked back but then said yes sir, and we went about our buisness.

The defensive coach picked up what had happened, and alerted the manager who was in the 3rd base coaches box (his dugout was 3BL). The manager had some words with the kid in between innings.

My question is, did I do ok? Particularly, should I have spoken with each manager immediately or in between innings? The catcher seemed like he understood what he said should not be said on the ball field. The batter was just a prick like the rest of his team, coaches, and fans. He got spoken to by the manager, like I said.

Should I have still alerted both managers?
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