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Old Tue Jun 05, 2007, 03:24pm
debeau debeau is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 382
To tell you the truth I havnt had to deal with it .
Hell , the players are still trying to get their head around the original obstruction rule change .
I generally umpire high level mens ball so they are pushing the boundaries anyway .
Had a 13 year old tourney in April and the coaches were still using rules and mind sets from early 90's . They were devestated when we said there were major changes in 2002 and another 64 changes in 2006 .

I umpire in New Zealand
I come on to this site for fun discussion and many plays and relate them to ISF .
Many rules are the same but our interretations are sometimes different .
Obstruction is one of the major ones , ie how we deal with an obstructed runner .
How is the UK , weather warm ?
Here in New Zealand , just hit winter with temps still getting to late twenties(celcius ) .
1st big frost of the year Monday and went down to 0 but thats about as cold as it gets .
Expecting a Southerly storm on Friday and Saturday with snow to low levels .
we generally get snow 2 or 3 times a year but it only sits around for a few days where I live .
To tell you the truth we could have winter softball if we had the numbers .
A sunny winter day still gets to 15degrees and is often warmer than those early summer easterly winds .
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