Originally Posted by TussAgee11
It sounds like the ball wasn't fielded that quickly though, so I'm having a hard time figuring out how PU originally pointed fair but then went for some help.
From the OP
Ball is up in air in front of home plate. Catcher/batter tangle in a mess, as catcher is trying to field the ball. catcher eventually gets the ball.
I am trying to visualize but we have a "lot" of action at home plate. When the PU first saw the ball it was in Fair territory hence the reason he pointed. Now the most important part
catcher eventually gets the ball
In baseball, Fair vs. Foul is determined where the ball is not where the player is. With all the action in front of home plate perhpas the PU did not know exactly where the Ball was when F2 finally got it. As mentioned he pointed fair because at the time he saw the ball in fair territory but then when all the action happened, he wasn't so sure so he called in his partners.
Remember it's much easier to change a Fair call to FOUL then the other way around even though as mentioned on this Forum it has been done.
However the OP also said that the umpires huddled for some 5 / 10 minutes which IMO means that perhaps they amongst themselves could not come up with a difintive call, hence the "
failsafe" Foul call because if one of them was sure the ball was Foul, then the conversation between the group should not have lasted as long as it had.
Pete Booth