Originally Posted by Dakota
That's the second time you've used that phrase on two different boards to characterize those who criticized NFHS for adopting a lone-wolf interpretation on the running lane violation after a BOB. I guess you like it.
They (NFHS) deserved the ridicule they got for this. Don't mistake intense criticism and ridicule with irrationality.
Responding separately so as to not confuse the points. I fully agree that the NFHS interpretation on the running lane after a BOB is absurd. The interpretation should be criticized and ridiculed, even. Yet, the ruling is to be followed in NFHS rules games, until and unless changed.
That isn't the same as predicting (as many did) that the interpretation would result in wide spread dodgeball scenes, where coaches directed catchers to peg the "walkers" if they left the running lane, and that umpires would honor that interpretation in that instance. I can't speak for your area, but I have
NOT EVEN ONCE seen or heard of that happening in Georgia High School.
Now we have a rule which hasn't changed; the wording of interference when batter is out of the box is that same it has been almost forever. Yet, again we have a prediction of wide spread dodgeball, catchers throwing at batters whenever they leave the batters box. I liken that anticipation to Chicken Little; the sky just hasn't fallen, and I don't see that it will.